Thailand – Day 9 (Phuket)

Today was a super, super lazy day. Partly due to the weather, rain and storms kept moving in and out all day. It wasn’t too bad in the morning so after coffee and breakfast I walked the length of the beach (no shells in Patong, but the beach sand has so much silica it sparkles like glitter) and watched the various beach sports going on for a bit. So, so, so many ill-fitting banana hammocks my god this beach is totally different from Krabi.

I went back to the hotel and jumped in the pool and read my book while sunbathing for a while. Some storms rolled in, so I went up to my room, and when they passed I got some food and did some shopping while dodging the overly aggressive souvenir shop people. Look, I can take heckling but draw the line at touching. Once a lady grabbed my arm to show me some cheap thing in her booth I shrugged her off and left entirely to another area where the sales people were more respectful. One thing I noticed here that’s kinda scary, the power lines are just massive tangled messes that constantly buzz and pop. They aren’t even high up, you could just reach up and grab them in some places. Super dangerous.

Another round of storms rolled in, so I went back to the hotel and farted around on the internet and played video games for the rest of the day. I was thinking of booking a tour or something for tomorrow, but I kinda liked just laying around the pool and on the beach so I might just do that again. Not many photos since I kept my phone at the hotel most of the day to avoid it getting wet.