Paris – Day 3 then off to Venice

I packed up my bags to store at the hotel, checked out, and took a taxi to the catacombs. I was there a bit early so I sat down at a café for some caffeine. It’s funny, in the U.K area and Barcelona everyone had café mocha, it was like a staple drink, but in France no one has any idea what you’re talking about so I had to use a translation app to get the waiter to understand what I was asking for. He got it, and it was a good cup. After snacks I went outside to meet the tour guide who took us down to the catacombs including areas closed off to the general public. Our tour guide Leye was awesome, he knew a lot about the catacombs and why they existed and how they got the 6 million skeletons into about 106 miles of underground tunnels. It was a bit morbid, but I like creepy stuff like that. After the tour I went back to the hotel and picked up my luggage, then got to the airport early. Easyjet apparently doesn’t let you check in early though, so I got a salad at the airport restaurant and waited about an hour. After checking in I went to our gate, then to another gate, then back to the first gate, then shifted over one lane to another gate. I thought for sure my checked bag was going to get lost, but everything arrived safely.

With the delays it was after 9pm though by the time we landed, so instead of playing with public transportation I took a taxi to my hotel…or….at least I thought I could. It wasn’t until after I put the hotel into Google maps that I realized there are no roads that go through Venice. Also, the public transportation buses would have been easier and WAY cheaper to take since they all go to the docks anyway. I mean, I knew there were canals and boats were used but I didn’t realize there were NO roads connecting the islands. Oops, that’s what I get for doing zero research on these places. Once the taxi dropped me off at the boat area I got a one day ferry ticket and asked around trying to figure out how to get to my hotel. I asked 3 people and got 3 answers, so decided I should stick with the ticket person’s advice and take the #1 boat. I think that was the most roundabout way of getting to the hotel, but it was a nice night and a pretty ride so I didn’t mind too much. FYI, Google Maps is useless in Venice. For some reason they don’t have the walking paths all plotted out so it’ll direct you to a point then just put this magical arching dashed line like “Good luck bitch you better fly!” Fortunately bridges are plentiful so I figured it out, but it was past 11pm by the time I got to my room. Ready to go island hopping tomorrow!