Thailand – Day 6 (Ao Nang)

Today I did nothing. Well, that’s not true. You’re always doing SOMETHING, I suppose. What I mean is, I got up and drank my coffee on the balcony while reading my book, then gradually got my bathing suit on and headed down to the beach. I walked down the far end and hiked up the monkey trail, but saw no monkeys which was a bummer. Then I wandered back to the other side of the beach, and wound up at Noppharat Thara beach next door which wasn’t as nice or as groomed as Ao Nang beach but had thousands upon thousands of little tiny crabs that were rolling teensy balls of sand out of their chosen den locations leaving hairline pathways for them to move around. So I sat down and watched them work for a while and every time I moved slightly they would all scatter to their wee dens. Eventually some of them worked out I wasn’t trying to kill them, and ignored me even if I was moving. Then I tip-toed around them and walked that beach for a bit, then went back to Ao Nang beach. I stopped at a really nice restaurant called The Last Fisherman for sweet and sour chicken and a smoothie that was supposed to have rum in it but most definitely didn’t (still was tasty though) before heading back to the hotel to reapply sunscreen. After sunscreen, I went back to the beach and floated in the warm sea water until my fingers and toes were prunes, then sat in the surf and hunted for the tiniest of shells I could find for a while. Then I went back to the same restaurant for dinner and watched the sun set. So yeah, a lot of walking, sitting, laying down, and floating…not much of anything. I did book a boat tour to the Phi Phi Islands tomorrow but the weather is looking a little rough. Fingers crossed the rain stays away!

Rome – Day 1

I got up and had breakfast, checked out of the hotel, and took a ferry (now that they’re running again!) to the train station. Now, originally I was going to go to Athens after Venice, but dang Athens is expensive and difficult to get to and I’d have to go to Rome to fly to Thailand so I figured I’d save two days of travel and travel expenses and just go visit Rome since I had to be there anyway. Woe is me! The train ride was uneventful, it goes about 155 miles per hour (250 km/h) and a lot of it is in underground tunnels.

After arriving in Rome I took a taxi as close as he could get to the hotel, then walked it from there. It’s not that he couldn’t drive me to my hotel, there were roads, but they were absolutely PACKED with people, and the time spent trying to push through wasn’t worth it. Getting my suitcase over the old cobbled roads was interesting, but I made it to the hotel and checked in. I was starving, and wasn’t up for playing charades for communication, so I went to the Hard Rock Café right around the way from the hotel for a club sandwich and English conversation. By the time I was done eating it was sunset, so I hiked up the Spanish Steps to watch the sun go down. It was a bit crowded, so I meandered over to the Terraza de Pincio, which overlooks the entire city and Piazza del Popolo which is Rome’s oldest obelisk. The sky exploded into pink and purple, and I wandered around the big park looking at all the cool statues including entire rows of prominent Italian people in that area while stopping by the lookout areas to watch the sky change. After it was dark, I headed downstairs and found a pharmacy for some cold meds (I’ve had a sore through these past couple days, fingers crossed it doesn’t turn into anything worse!) and some groceries, then turned in for the night. I have a big walking day tomorrow!