Iceland – Day 2

After sleeping in and slowly getting up and moving while waiting for the ridiculous wind to slow down, we finally got up and moving around 1pm and headed into Reykjavik. Our first stop was the Icelandic Phallological Museum, which holds the largest collection of preserved penis samples in the world. It was actually really interesting, but I particularly liked the small room off to the side with the “hidden people” penis specimens…given that they don’t exist, they’re Icelandic/Norse legends so they just made it up. My favorite was the Hidden Man jar, whose penis apparently only the pure of heart can see just as the hidden man can only be seen by the pure of heart, HAHAHA. Clever. They also have a fully mature sperm whale penis sample too, almost 5 feet long. After spending an hour or so looking at preserved penis samples, we did a little shopping and got some fish and chips for a late lunch. Then we continued down the road to Hallgrímskirkja Church and the Leifur Eiríksson statue, then went down to the water to look at the mountains. It was way too cold and windy to stay down there long, so we ran back to the car and went back to the hotel to warm up a bit. Then we headed to Blue Lagoon, a natural hot spring, and did mud masks and floated in the hot water under the full moonlight for a couple hours. Afterwards we went back to the hotel and ate and showered. Tomorrow will be a road trip day!