Thailand – Day 11 (off to Bangkok!)

I woke up before sunrise to a very wet, rainy morning. The trip to the airport was uneventful, and although the flight was delayed a bit I made it to Bangkok. I had a moment of panic when the light at baggage claim flashed that all the suitcases had been unloaded, only to feel a wave of relief when I saw my suitcase was the literal last bag off. After getting my bag I took a taxi to the hotel and checked in, then changed and navigated the subway to meet my friend, Andrea. She and I met about 3 years ago at the Women’s March in Chicago and kept in touch through Facebook, but hadn’t seen each other since. We went to Charley Browns for tacos and nachos and a pitcher of margaritas, then headed to an Irish pub of sorts for more food and booze. A few of her friends joined us there, and they were all very nice and very funny people! It was a lot of fun catching up with Andrea and meeting her friends, 5 hours seemed like 30 minutes. Time really does fly when you’re having fun! Alas, it is Sunday night and they have work in the morning, so we split up just before 8pm and I made my way back to my swanky hotel with a gorgeous balcony view. Bangkok walking adventures tomorrow!

Annual Crawfish Boil at Reggies

It’s become a bit of a tradition to go to a crawfish boil during the season. This year we went to Reggies on State Street in the South Loop. It was a bit interesting, given the weather. One second it would be sunny and the next a severe storm, but it got done and we walked away with full bellies. Afterwards we hopped into my friend’s convertible and drove up Lakeshore Drive while blasting Bohemian Rhapsody and just enjoyed the weather. It was a pretty fun time.

That’s the good thing about Chicago. If you’re bored, you’re doing it wrong. There’s always something going on!