Iceland – Day 1 (SNOWMAGEDDON!!!)

Mom and I left O’hare at 7:30pm and landed the next day in Iceland at 7:00am. As soon as we got off the plane we were greeted with red screens warning of an incoming hurricane force blizzard and told to get our rental car and head to our hotel ASAP before all the roads shut down. So instead of our plans for the day, we did exactly that, and opted for the additional $300 extra car upgrade and insurance as well. We got the rental car, and checked in early at the hotel (we were supposed to be in a cabin on a private peninsula but the weather forecast was so bad they moved us to their mainland hotel.) We made a quick stop at the bank to exchange money, then went to the grocery store to get food, then went back to the hotel just as it started snowing and watched TV and slept for 24 hours. The wind was indeed crazy, but instead of the rumored 6 feet of snow we only got like 3 inches. Looks like they exaggerate here just like in the states! What a fun Day 1! To be honest though, I REALLY needed that 20 hour nap. 🤣