Vatican City

I woke up super early yet again to walk over to Vatican City and meet my before opening tour group. My sore throat has turned into a flow blown cold, which sucks, but it was a nice day and an easy walk so I dealt with it. Our tour guide was great, and power walked us through the line straight over to the Sistine Chapel. They forbid photos there now, but I probably could have taken 100 of them with just how beautiful that place is (I admit…me and pretty much everyone else in there still snuck a photo or two). Since they cleaned it in the 1980s the colors are so vibrant and lively and light. Michelangelo may have been an asshole but he was one hell of a painter.

After the chapel we made our way through the museums to see the highlight exhibits, including Rafaello’s rooms and some recently opened chambers. Then we made our way to St. Peter’s Basilica and it was starting to get pretty crowded by this point. Honestly I was a little let down by the basilica, for all it touts to be, and despite its size, I’ve seen far more elaborate churches in my travels. That being said, it is HUGE and artifacts are everywhere. You can even go down into the catacombs to see the graves of past Popes and even (supposedly) St. Peter’s tomb. They were doing a little mass off to the side so I sat and watched for a while, then grabbed some souvenirs and caught a couple guards in the original uniforms on alert outside. Then I walked through the main entrance to the city back out to Rome. It was almost 1pm by that point, and my cold really was getting worse, so I decided to grab some ravioli then head back to the hotel for some R&R and to pack for my Thailand flight tomorrow.

Paris – Day 1

Had a nice relaxing morning, sipping coffee on the balcony and waiting for the clouds to clear up before I showered and headed out for the day. First stop was a nearby bakery for a yummy chocolate croissant. Then I was off to the Louvre, which was CRAZY busy because a new Da Vinci exhibit opened up today and I guess the Mona Lisa was off exhibit for a while and just came back last week. Still, despite how busy it was the place was plenty big to accommodate everyone. I only waited maybe 20 minutes for a Mona Lisa selfie, although the security guards were screaming at everyone “ONLY ONE PHOTO!” and practically dragging you off once they saw you got one (1). Whatever, I came to see Liberty Leading the People and Venus de Milo anyway, amongst other things. I wandered around all the wings and most of the floors before heading out. I picked up a Batobus boat ferry 2 day ticket and rode along the Seine to Notre Dame which you can’t get close to at all due to the recent fire. There I had a delicious Nutella and banana crepe from a street vendor. Then I got off at the Botanical Gardens and wandered admiring the humongous vegetables and beautiful Morning Glory pathways before jumping back on the boat.

I walked down to the Japan District and stopped at one place with the most disgusting yakisoba I ever tasted, the place was filthy too but I didn’t realize exactly how bad it was until I had started eating and people started moving around and just…ugh, the place was filthy and gross overall. I ate maybe half of it and then left (no idea why the place was so highly rated on Google; I would have fought about having to pay if I spoke French but the $12 wasn’t worth getting in trouble over). I went down the street to a different restaurant, this time run by actual Japanese people, and since I didn’t speak French and they didn’t speak English we communicated in Japanese instead. It was pretty funny, I think they got a kick out of it. Their food and cleanliness was MUCH better than the other place. I’m still debating if I should leave the first place a bad review, it was an overall terrible experience; however it was made better by the great experience at the second place. Ah, well. After eating I went up to Hard Rock Café to get my traditional pin from a very funny cashier who wanted to practice his English, then walked back south past a kid’s skateboarding park, then past the Church of St Eustache, then Les Halles. I swung by the hotel to drop stuff off, then headed over to the Highlander Pub for a cider…what can I say? I already miss Scotland!