I’m a 30-something woman currently located in Chicago, Illinois but grew up in Michigan. I have a B.S. in Environmental Science and a B.A. in East Asian Language and Culture (specifically Japanese). I worked for an environmental consulting company for over 13 years, but I’m currently on sabbatical to pursue some lifelong travel aspirations.
I have two cats, Pippa and Boo, and a corn snake named Squiggles. I volunteer at the Anti-Cruelty Society in the cat care/adopts, dog adopts, and petography groups. I’m also an administrator and board member for Costumers with a Cause, a costuming charity group. Most of the time I take photos of the costumers, but I do dress as superheroes, villains, and princesses on occasion.
In my spare time, I like to draw (traditional and digital) and take photographs on my Canon 7D. I am also a regular runner, and have run full and half marathons, but also enjoy the standard fun run too. I used to travel a lot when I was younger, and I’m starting to travel again.
This is a personal website to document my art, photos, travels, and general life. It’s a mix of everything, and I hope you like it!
My family <3 My crazy extended family, especially the cousins. Work accomplishments keep me going! I may not look it, but I try to run and be fit when I can. I love doing Tough Mudder. Fun Runs are fulfilling too! Skydiving is amazing! Music festivals are exhausting but so much fun. The unfashionable photographer. My most favorite voice actors of all time! Administrator for Costumers with a Cause. Costuming charity for the win! Friends in high places! Dinosaur Parade at C2E2! Sometimes inflatable costumes are funnest. Ms. Worldwide! I just really, really like cats. I like to keep a colorful group of people around me 🙂