Thailand – Day 8 (off to Phuket!)

The weather finally decided to turn rainy so I slept in and watched Red vs. Blue on Netflix for a while before getting up during a break in the rain to slowly trudge over to Starbucks down the street for some caffeine. I repacked my bags and got ready for my trip to Phuket, then read my book until the taxi arrived. The driver seemed nice enough, but he brought his wife with him and I think they were having an argument because they didn’t say more than 10 words to each other the entire drive and she would glare at him and he adjusted the rear-view mirror so he couldn’t see me and I couldn’t see him. It was weird, and I wondered if it was because I was a solo female traveler, but whatever…his aggressive driving got me to Phuket half an hour early. I checked in to my hotel in Patong, which happens to be directly across the street from the Jet Ski rental place. I need to find someone to go with me, I’m paranoid about it breaking down and drifting out to sea or something but I want to go so bad! I sat on my big balcony at the hotel watching the storms roll in and out for a while, then started walking looking for food. Right around the corner I ran into a Hooters, and to be honest they really do have good wings so I stopped and got a pina colada drink and wings. Then I ran into the first Irish pub I’ve seen since Paris and stopped in for a pint of Magners, which is really the worst of all the ciders but still better than beer. It’s kinda racist, but the people they had outside trying to lure people in were dressed up as leprechauns. I laughed, because that shit’s funny, and they seemed to be having a really fun time harassing the tourists. It was raining pretty heavily by the time I finished my drink, so I threw on a poncho and walked back to the hotel. I have nothing scheduled for tomorrow, perhaps another “do nothing” day is in order?

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