Thailand – Day 1 (Oops!)

Today was the second part of my travel experience from Europe to Asia. I sat around at BKK and read my book and looked at memes for about 5 hours before I got on my flight to Chiang Mai. Once in Chiang Mai it was easy enough to get to the hotel and check in. I walked down the street to update my pickup schedule with Elephant Nature Park for Saturday, and then walked around a bit before getting some noodles to eat and petting a cat that lives at a salon. Then I went and got a $7 one hour foot massage at a place around the corner from the hotel, then went to lay down for a couple hours. Unfortunately my alarm didn’t go off to wake me up at 7pm (for some reason even though the clock has updated for Thai time all the apps are still set to European time??) so I slept until about 9:30pm and there went the day! Now it’s almost 1am and I can’t sleep -_- Jet lag is a bitch! Good thing I decided to keep tomorrow, or today rather, a blank slate. I had a feeling this was going to happen…

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