Off to Paris!

I packed up, waited about 1.5 hours for the “express” bus to the airport (long, annoying story, just don’t take the 747/757 buses back to Dublin airport. Trust me, just don’t. 😑) and practically ran through Terminal 1 to Terminal 2 to check in but then had to run back to Terminal 1 where the flight actually was…seriously stressful morning 😬 But here I am now in Paris! Man I thought London was expensive but DAMN Paris you crazy!

Pictures are of the flight out of Dublin, in to France, and my swanky hotel. After checking in I went across the street to a basic French restaurant and got some chicken and gravy with a Nutella tiramisu for dessert. Very yummy! Then I spent the rest of the evening doing laundry. Super great night over here in Paris, the reality is not every day is exciting and fun when you’re full time traveling 😂

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