Scottish Highlands – Day 2 (Loch Ness)

I found Nessie!! Well, okay, maybe not THE Nessie but a Nessie. Plus there were some at “Nessieland” to pose with too and they had very friendly faces. Today I had a delicious Scottish pancake breakfast then went on a boat tour around Loch Ness. It was one more geared towards science and research and less about the mythical monster…except for when it came to disproving its existence, that is. After the boat tour I went to the Loch Ness Centre and walked through their movie shows (also partly aimed at yelling in tourist’s faces “IT’S NOT REAL!”) Then I drove to Urquhart Castle and spent a long time there just appreciating the view. Afterwards, I followed a lead to some Scottish cattle and calfs and ahhhhhh they are so shaggy and dirty and smelly I love them! Bet they’d taste good, too.🍴 Afterwards I went back to the B&B for dinner and a couple drinks.

The next 3 days are going to be an Isle of Skye nonstop marathon, like 12 hour days debating if I even want to waste time showering, lol. Wish me luck!

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